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Seymour Lipp Mysteries

The Monkey Rope     And Baby Makes None

The Monkey Rope

The Monkey Rope

The title suggests the tension in this debut book of the series. It is taken from a scene described in Moby Dick wherein a sailor cutting into the whale tied to the side of a ship rolling in the waves has one end of a rope about his waist, while the other is similarly tied to his partner on deck. The two are thus dependent on each other for survival. A slip and they both can be killed.

Seymour finds himself in that kind of situation, tied emotionally and legally to Junior Constantino, his childhood nemesis who has been accused of murdering one of Seymour's clients. Junior has an almost supernatural hold over Seymour, and although Seymour suspects his client might well be guilty, he defends him. And, he finds himself once again involved with Rosalie, Junior's sister, whom he has not seen since they were both children.

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And Baby Makes None

And Baby Makes None

Seymour is approached by Tricia, a young woman wheeling an empty baby carriage. She tells him that her father has forced her to give her baby up for adoption, and she wants her infant back. Seymour, now living with Rosalie, takes her case. 

He finds that the baby has been given to Jack Lowry, an intense Vietnam veteran and his wife. Jack seeks only quiet and a safe place for his family. Tricia's father is found dead and Seymour digs into his complicated personal and business life. He left a sizable estate, motive enough to be murdered for. Or perhaps Jack is pushed over the edge by Seymour's attempts to get him to give the baby back. 

During his investigations, Seymour finds information from unusual sources, such as a homeless jazz musician who lives in cardboard box, or the man selling pretzels outside the office of the victim. 

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